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Investments Blog

The post Internet service provider acquires site for headquarters in Dove Valley appeared first on Colorado Real Estate Journal.

Tax-increment financing, commonly referred to as TIF, provides a powerful tool for financing redevelopment within municipalities, notwithstanding legislative changes that have restricted its use in recent years. However,

The post Court of Appeals ruling impacts tax-increment financing appeared first on Colorado Real Estate Journal.

Will rising interest rates slow down the market? In a word, no. At least, not in the short term. Interest rates that continue to creep up have not had a major impact on Front Range lending activity. While interest rates are on

The post Will rising interest rates slow down the market? appeared first on Colorado Real Estate Journal.

The post Colorado Real Estate Journal industrial conference coming appeared first on Colorado Real Estate Journal.

Bourbon connoisseurs on the hunt for an old-time bar experience should check out a bar just off Interstate 75.

The Century Bar, at 10 Jefferson St. in Dayton, was named one of the best bourbon bars in America by the Bourbon Review.

This marks the sixth consecutive year the bar has made the list, giving another draw for bourbon aficionados to visit the region.

The Century Bar, known for its old-time atmosphere that features a cherry and stained glass back bar that was built in 1862, houses more…

John Schnatter, founder and former CEO of Papa John's International Inc., says the company's board wants to silence him, but he's not having it.

To keep in touch with Papa John's franchisees and employees, Schnatter has launched a website, On the homepage is a picture of Schnatter, with big, bold type that says “I AM PAPA JOHN.”

Yes, he is. Schnatter is the recently ousted founder of the pizza giant, which has been in turmoil for the better part of two years, most notably in…

A liquor brand co-created by songwriting master Bob Dylan is being sued by a Kentucky brand for trade name infringement.

Heaven Hill Distilleries Inc. filed a lawsuit against Heaven's Door Spirits LLC in U.S. District Court for the Western District of Kentucky. Heaven's Door makes a Tennessee bourbon, a double-barrel finished whiskey and a rye whiskey, according to its website.

Dylan made headlines when he launched the brand in April.

Heaven Hill is a privately owned spirits maker based in…

Turner Construction Co. was awarded the contract to renovate the Stage and Ricketson theaters for the Denver Center for the Performing Arts.

The post Turner Construction: $36M overhaul of 2 DCPA theaters appeared first on Colorado Real Estate Journal.

In the Denver-Boulder tech corridor, technology-driven companies such as Derive Systems are taking over. Derive Systems, a company with multiple offices already across the United States, creates intelligent, customized driving experiences by working to advance car enhancement software.

The post Derive Chases New Adventures in Colorado appeared first on Colorado Real Estate Journal.

A wise man once noticed that as his cows were grazing, they were getting lost, one blade of grass at a time. Not only did one cow get lost this way, but also, accordingly, the entire herd would follow and end up in far-off

The post Shaping communities through systems thinking appeared first on Colorado Real Estate Journal.