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Investments Blog

Two major fires are sending smoke over farmland all over Northern California, including Yolo County's Capay Valley, during the peak of harvest season.

Fire entered the east side of the Capay Valley Sunday, but flames have since moved west. The Capay Valley is home to many organic farming operations.

Not too far from Full Belly Farm, on the northwest end of the Capay Valley, a wildfire burned down to Highway 16 over the weekend.

“We haven’t lost any structures. The firefighters are doing a…

As Yogi Berra said, “The future ain’t what it used to be.” In the competition to attract tenants, commercial real estate owners constantly are reaching for what’s next in building amenities and space activation.

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It can be a daunting challenge to bring a 15- to 20-year-old building up to the level needed to meet the ever-changing expectations of your occupants. And, if you’re hoping to attract preferred high-end, long-term office

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This is a good time for American cities. After half a century of decline, people are craving the communality of urban environments and all that cities have to offer. Post-war urban planning, through programs such as the Federal Highway Act, slum clearance and the Model Cities Initiative, often damaged the urban fabric.

The post Zeppelin Station: Private Buildings, Public Realm appeared first on Colorado Real Estate Journal.

The post Meritage Homes snags 90.87 acres in Parker for $7.25 million appeared first on Colorado Real Estate Journal.

The post Senior cooperative housing to be developed in Greeley appeared first on Colorado Real Estate Journal.

The dueling pianos at The Shout! House in downtown Minneapolis have fallen silent after 14 years.

The bar closed its doors after Saturday night's last performance, according to its Facebook page. It had spent the first 10 years in the former Block E — one of the longest running tenants of the entertainment complex — and then moved to the nearby Wyman Building in 2014.

In the world of night clubs in Minneapolis, 14 years is an eternity. The Shout! House even survived a competing dueling piano…

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Warwick Olney joined CBRE’s Denver office as a first vice president with CBRE Capital Markets’ Debt and Structured Finance practice.

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Russ Davis Wholesale purchased the 128,100-square foot vacant manufacturing facility, once home to the Mars Co., Petcare Division, for $5.41 million from the Pueblo Economic Development Corp.

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