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Mortgage Blog

The former CFO was accused of using embezzled funds to purchase a lake-front home in Lexington; another Lexington home, a boat dock and a lift; a property in North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina; two Jeep Wranglers; two SeaDoos; a Sea Hunt Ultra boat; a four-wheeler; and two golf carts.

The former CFO was accused of using embezzled funds to purchase a lake-front home in Lexington; another Lexington home, a boat dock and a lift; a property in North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina; two Jeep Wranglers; two SeaDoos; a Sea Hunt Ultra boat; a four-wheeler; and two golf carts.

In early 2020, COVID-19 changed life as we know it. Small businesses closed and then reopened with new safety procedures in place. Employees quit in the millions, forcing business owners to reexamine their staffing policies, salaries and benefit packages. This was just the tip of the iceberg. More changes were yet to come, including financial constraints and a rapidly changing consumer market.

This sudden and dramatic shift left small business owners interacting with their insurance companies differently…

Just because you purchased a small business health care plan doesn’t mean you have to stick with it forever. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF), more than half of business owners shopped around for a new health insurance company or policy in 2019. But only 18% actually switched.

If you’re hesitant to make a change, remember that there are many good reasons to switch plans. Health insurance can be expensive for small businesses, so you should never feel pressured to keep a policy…

Whether you’ve just purchased small business health insurance or you’re shopping around, you’re probably aware that coverage can be costly, depending on the plan you purchase. According to a 2021 Kaiser Family Foundation report, the average annual premium was $7,739 for an individual and $22,221 for a family plan. Employers helped cover 83% of the costs for a single person and 63% of a family plan.

That’s why it’s critical to make the most of the plan you have — and help your employees…

Are you hesitant to offer health insurance at your small business? If so, you’re not alone. According to a recent survey, 60% of small business owners offer limited insurance benefits, if any, due to high health care costs. Plus, more than two-thirds of respondents admit they don’t believe health insurance is geared toward small businesses.

At first glance, it can be easy to think that health insurance is “only for big companies,” but the truth is, there are plans that meet the needs of…

Washington Trust’s loans in the third quarter rose 8% over last year, hitting an all-time high of $4.8 billion, reflecting what the bank said was strong growth in its commercial and residential real estate loan portfolios.

“I think readers will be surprised to learn that we knew all along that the 'airplane of health care' was going to crash,” Nash said.