The 2022 Austin Business Journal list of office furniture providers tracks business furniture sales and service revenue for Austin-area retailers. The list features all types of business furniture providers including companies that specialize in modular systems, health care, laboratory and related services such as planning, design, logistics and installation. SKG jumped four spots to reclaim its No. 1 title this year after missing the mark in 2021. At $45 million, the Austin office grew revenue 42 percent over its previous year, but still has not caught up to its 2019 high of $53.4 million. While many firms saw sales rebound somewhat, overall 12 listmakers this year had a combined total of $175 million in office furniture sales and service during 2021. This is down from $204 million in combined revenue by 13 listmakers last year tracking 2020. Information is gathered from ABJ surveys sent to company representatives. Only firms that responded to requests for information are considered for the list. Austin area includes Travis Williamson, Hays, Bastrop and Caldwell counties.
Office furniture providers in the Austin area