Largest Central Ohio Financial Planners – Fee-Only

Fee-only financial planners are compensated based on an hourly rate, a flat rate or a percentage of assets and/or income, not by commissions. Firms in the fee and commission section of this List might also offer fee-only planning to clients, often to individuals. Firms are ranked by regulatory assets under management by Central Ohio offices. Firms that do financial planning but do not manage financial assets or function differently from the major categories listed are not included. Note that some banks may provide financial planning services for their clients, but may calculate assets under management differently and are not included in this list. Information was supplied by individual firms through questionnaires and could not be independently verified by Columbus Business First. Only those that responded to our inquiries were listed. Numbers larger than 1 million are automatically rounded; however, rankings are based on unrounded numbers. In case of ties, firms are listed alphabetically.

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