Residential Real Estate Awards 2019: Meet Houston’s top large team by sales volume
The Loken Group took the No. 1 spot for the large teams List ranked by sales volume.
Residential Real Estate Awards 2019: Meet Houston’s top small team by sales volume, transactions
The team of seven pulled in $152.28 million in sales.
Residential Real Estate Awards 2019: This is Houston’s top luxury real estate agent
Clayton Katz brought in $38.35 million in sales at an average sales price of $2.55 million.

Journal Profile: Behind the counter with the new P. Terry’s CEO
Todd Coerver got his degree in romance languages, majoring in Italian and minoring in Spanish — a plus for a restaurant chain CEO where some kitchen workers speaker languages other than English. It's one of the many interesting tidbits we discovered in this weekly feature that shows off the personal side of the people who run Austin.

Family-Owned Business Awards 2019: Phillips Seafood
In its next act, Phillips is branching out beyond seafood with restaurants focused on sushi and Mexican cuisine.

Patti Payne: Fundraisers climb bold heights
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Big Climb, in its 33rd year, made the earth shake as 6,000 people raced up 69 floors to the top of Seattle’s tallest building.
The mission of this mammoth effort is to raise money for blood cancer research. Some $2.5 million was raised during Sunday’s romp up to the observation deck of Columbia Tower. Donations toward the overall goal of $3.1 million are expected to come throughout April.
The top fundraiser was Colton Matter, 18, with his team Colton’s…

Family-Owned Business Awards 2019: Radebaugh Florist & Greenhouses
Radebaugh Florist has withstood wars, a depression, a recession and many new competitors that deliver everything from fruit bouquets to wine baskets.

Minority Business Leader Awards: Robert Peck
When Robert Peck decided to leave the safety of his consulting job at Accenture to launch Commonwealth Joe, he was mainly looking for a way to help his mom, who had been roasting coffee since 2004, tap into a wider market.
Peck knew his mom’s coffee was delicious; the two used to work at the same coffee shop in downtown Culpeper when he was in high school. When the shop closed, Julia Peck bought the roasting equipment, but she didn’t distribute her product far.
“She sold at local stores…

Family-Owned Business Awards 2019: Prigel Family Creamery
The fifth-generation, family-owned dairy farm has been operating in Baltimore County for more than 120 years.

Minority Business Leader Awards: Leslie Hale
Leslie Hale made history in 2018 when Bethesda-based RLJ Lodging Trust tapped her to become the first African-American woman to lead a real estate investment trust.
While new to the CEO role, Hale is no stranger to the company. She joined BET founder Robert Johnson’s company in 2005 as director of real estate and finance, back when it was still called RLJ Development. She became chief financial officer in 2007 and helped guide the company through an initial public offering in 2011. She added…