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BlackRock Finds More Risk Assets at Insurers Than ’08

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Denver International Airport’s new hotel was more than 20 years in the making and under construction for three years. But you can watch time fly by in a time-lapse video that follows the progress of construction on the 519-room Westin hotel from 2012 to the opening, just before Thanksgiving two weeks ago. Enlarge DIA Westin …

Cross Mountain Ranch, one of the largest and most ecologically diverse recreational and operating ranches in the nation is on the market for the first time in nearly three decades. It spans four counties in northwest Colorado and has been listed for sale for $100 million. With the recent sale of the 83,000-acre, fourteener-hosting Cielo Vista …

By: Laurence Arnold and  Paula Dwyer April 27, 2017, 9:00 PM PDT August 30, 2017, 2:16 PM PDT Few topics in Washington lend themselves to jargon as readily as taxes. President Donald Trump’s drive for tax cuts, though only beginning, is already sending people diving for their dictionaries. Here are some of the terms worth understanding. Corporate …

Greenland Holdings Corp., China’s fourth-biggest developer by property sales, said it had overdue loans of 457.5 million yuan ($69.2 million) in some units in the northeast province of Liaoning at the end of June, underscoring concerns about the company’s debt problems. Companies under Greenland’s unit in Liaoning had an overdue short-term debt of 247.5 million …

Steady growth in home prices in 20 U.S. cities in June reflects a limited number of available houses for sale, according to S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller data released Tuesday. Nationwide, values posted their largest advance in three years. HIGHLIGHTS OF HOME PRICES (JUNE) 20-city property values index increased 5.7% y/y (est. 5.6% gain) for the second …

We’ve been buying stuff for a generation. Now we need someplace to put it. By Adam Minter August 28, 2017, 3:30 AM PDT Photographer: Adrian Brown/Bloomberg Investors in premium London real estate can rest easy knowing that their tenants are among the world’s wealthiest and stable renters. That’s the approach that the UK Real Estate Fund operated …

Trade creates winners and losers, and economists are trying to measure the divide By: Jeanna Smialek August 29, 2017, 7:48 AM PDT Economists are having a tough conversation about the trade. For decades, they’ve advocated a free flow of goods and services, based on the Econ 101 idea that countries produce whatever they have a comparative …

India’s worst-performing stocks look like good value to the asset manager spun off from the country’s oldest mutual-fund company. Health care and technology are the only sectors in the red this year in India, where the wider market has soared to new highs. Lupin Ltd. and Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Ltd. are the biggest losers on the S&P …

Don’t do it! Photographer: Joe Raedle/Getty Images Why are people like Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg so incredibly rich? Sure, they’re great business people, and they had the right ideas at the right time. But most importantly, when their businesses succeeded, they owned a large portion of the equity. Equity, or stock, is the …

It was like salt in the wound for investors in defaulted real estate bonds who’d been waiting four years to get their money back. The investors were seeking to recoup money from a pair of German office buildings tied to 412 million euros ($486 million) of commercial mortgage bonds. Then they discovered a problem: while …