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BlackRock Finds More Risk Assets at Insurers Than ’08

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Statistics Canada reports growth data on Thursday that will confirm the nation’s economy has entered rarefied territory. Economists are forecasting an expansion in second-quarter gross domestic product at about the same 3.7 percent pace recorded in the first three months of this year. Even with an anticipated second-half slowdown, that should leave Canada flirting with 3 percent …

Proin volutpat efficitur justo, et congue felis tristique in. Suspendisse sem nunc, dapibus quis lacus id, lacinia blandit ex. Donec ac ligula euismod mauris rutrum malesuada et nec sapien. Morbi sit amet enim nunc. Praesent dictum congue eros. In pellentesque leo ac turpis rhoncus, tempor varius leo tempus. Nam vehicula scelerisque risus euismod facilisis. Ut …

An assembly hall sits rusting on a 55-acre factory complex in eastern England, surrounded by a vast expanse of green, productive farmlands. The forlorn structure is a reminder of the latest failed attempt to revive Lotus Cars, a specialist sports car maker, and engineering powerhouse. In its heyday, Lotus was revered for lightweight racers favored by …

Hudson’s Bay Co., the owner of the Saks Fifth Avenue and Lord & Taylor chains, spiked as much as 14 percent after Reuters reported the company is reviewing its strategic options. The department-store company, which has already hired an investment bank as it responds to pressure from activist shareholder Land & Buildings Investment Management LLC, plans to …

More than 230,000 homes on the Texas coast, with a combined reconstruction value of about $39.6 billion, are at risk of damage from storm surge if Hurricane Harvey strikes at Category 3 intensity, according to analytics company CoreLogic Inc. The Houston area has the biggest number of houses at risk, the real estate data firm …

It was perhaps inevitable: After a handful of closings, new owners have turned around and begun renting out some of the priciest real estates in New York. By: Matt Gross August 22, 2017, 12:18 PM PDT A rendering of the completed apartment building, adjacent to a tree-lined stretch of the High Line. Source: 520 West …

We’ve had a long run on the current economic expansion, but eventually, another recession will come. A lot of people will lose their jobs, maybe including you. So ask yourself a question: When the time comes, would you rather take a guaranteed 10 percent wage cut, or have a 10 percent chance of becoming unemployed? …

According to a new report, the most active metropolitan areas include Chicago, where an inventory logjam appears to be loosening. Also, Colorado Springs, Washington, D.C., and Reno, Nevada, near Tesla’s massive battery factory, which is attracting workers and driving housing demand. The least active metros are San Francisco, where the median home value has topped $1 million, and Rochester, N.Y., …

Manhattan is about to become a testing ground for what could be the next luxury real estate boom. Well, maybe mini-boom, considering the rather narrow target group: frail urban seniors with fat bank accounts. Developers are spending hundreds of millions on high-end assisted-living apartment projects, one on the Upper East Side and one in Midtown, …

The FICO credit score is as ubiquitous as it is crucial in getting a mortgage. Now, an odd-bedfellows alliance is out to break FICO’s lock and allow scores from rival companies. At stake, proponents say, is credit access for as many as 35 million consumers whom FICO doesn’t evaluate, especially blacks and Hispanics with scant …